How to use TinEye to search for an image online

TinEye Reverse Image Search

To search by image, you use a reverse image search engine. TinEye is the original reverse image search engine, using image recognition with a growing index of billions of images. You can use TinEye to find out where an image came from, how it is being used, if modified versions of the image exist, or to find a higher resolution version. Let’s learn to do a reverse image search with TinEye!

Reset your TinEye password!

If you have a TinEye user account we recommend that you reset your password today.
This is due to the Cloudflare security issue.
How do I change my password?

Login to your account here.
Change your password on this page.

If you can’t remember your current password, you can request a password reset.

Come and Make Friends at TinEye!

Make Friends Monthly is a meet-up of Toronto based makers, creators and educators interested in building and strengthening our Toronto maker community. Organized by Little Dada, a group of creative technologists for social change, this monthly meeting is at the intersection of everything maker related in Toronto! And this month, we will be hosting!

Join us at Toronto’s Comedy Hack Day!

We are excited to be one of the sponsors of this year’s Comedy Hack Day in Toronto!
Comedy Hack Day is an annual hackathon that pairs developers and designers with comedians to build hilarious tech products in a single day. Once they’re done, every team demos their creation on stage to a panel of judges and a live audience in a full-fledged comedy show!

Happy holidays from all of us at TinEye!

Our TinEye annual card writing party is always a reminder that we are approaching the year end. This year’s party saw us write over 500 cards to our friends and loved ones in one evening. Our annual card writing party is usually the spark that starts everyone in our office on their annual card writing adventures.

TinEye’s color search for Apartment Therapy is a winner!

You’ve heard about the color search we’ve built with our MulticolorEngine. Maybe you’ve tossed on your lab coat, experimented with our Multicolr Search Lab, and even identified colors in your images using our Color Extraction tool. When playing with colors this way, it’s hard not to be excited by the possibilities. When Apartment Therapy first decided to introduce color...

Where can I find copyright-free images?

Of course, no image is copyright-free! Every image has a copyright by its photographer!
But today, continuing our blog series on some of our users questions, which we started with finding the copyright owner of an image, we are going to focus on providing guidance in finding images that are free to use.