TagCopyright infringement

Using TinEye to find the copyright owner of an image

Here at the TinEye HQ we receive user questions about our reverse image search engine and its search results every day, which is wonderful (we are not complaining!). So we’ve decided to answer our user questions through a series of blog posts. This week’s question comes to us in many many many forms, but it can simply be distilled to: “How do I find the copyright owner of...

CamStand Fakorama

Note 1 (June 2): As @InvisbleGreen pointed out; the images could actually be licensed and the photographer simply lying about their origin. So a blatant lie but not theft per say. Note 2 (June2): the photographs have been removed from the website without explanation so they were likely never licensed. See the website screenshot at the end of this post. Note 3: Daryl Lang from PDN Online picked up...