I was at home working, staring at my laptop screen during the Easter holiday when I saw that outdoor company The North Face had launched a global petition to make Earth Day (April 22) an officially recognized holiday. Earth Day has been celebrated unofficially since the 1970s in North America. Earth Day was created by Gaylor Nelson, governor of Wisconsin (1958-1962) and U.S. Senator (1963-1981)...
We are excited to be one of the sponsors of this year’s Comedy Hack Day in Toronto!
Comedy Hack Day is an annual hackathon that pairs developers and designers with comedians to build hilarious tech products in a single day. Once they’re done, every team demos their creation on stage to a panel of judges and a live audience in a full-fledged comedy show!
Our TinEye annual card writing party is always a reminder that we are approaching the year end. This year’s party saw us write over 500 cards to our friends and loved ones in one evening. Our annual card writing party is usually the spark that starts everyone in our office on their annual card writing adventures.
Of course, no image is copyright-free! Every image has a copyright by its photographer!
But today, continuing our blog series on some of our users questions, which we started with finding the copyright owner of an image, we are going to focus on providing guidance in finding images that are free to use.