We have been doing a lot of that in the last little while to get feedback for some of products and services. When we launched TinEye we made sure that we were accessible and responsive to our users, fans and simply folks who had questions about it. That meant a lot of conversations, a lot emails and a lot of presentations. That’s worked out really well because we managed to distill important features from casual conversations and in depth investigations. What brought a smile to my morning blogging is to find out that Steve Kilisky is involved in pretty much the same process at his end (Adobe). Not that this is rocket science, but he points out an important thing we learned ourselves over the years: surveys are not the right way to gather data, conversations are. Conversations still matter. It seems like a really small point to make, but it is not.
Conversations will change your product. Start them. I have in the works a blog post about TinEye’s most requested features, ideas our fans have brought forward and concepts to explore. We will also be creating a forum for TinEye as we would like to continue capturing our conversations and involving our fans.