We have added 29.7 million images to the TinEye index bringing us very close to 2 billion images. We are just 16 million shy of the 2 billion image goal! Next stop 5 billion images!
Happy searching!
[Photo credit]
Who created this image
The tweet:
The TinEye search results:
TinEye Opera Extension
Opera fans rejoice! The official TinEye Opera extension is here. So go ahead, download it, give us your feedback and keep your reviews coming. Would love to see this TinEye extension get as featured as the FireFox TinEye extension! Opera fans: go download your extension now!
Happy Canada Day from TinEye
You probably did not know that TinEye was based in Canada? Yes, we call Canada our home and tomorrow is Canada Day. Happy Canada day to all our TinEye fans. Now, let’s see how much you really know about Canada and take MacLean’s little difficult Canada Quiz. Let us know your score for a chance to win a TinEye t-shirt! No cheating!
[Photograph (c) Paul Jerry]
When a tech giant decides to eat your lunch!
So Google launched its search by image feature. And just like that a tech giant decides to eat our lunch! Exciting times.
TinEye is magic!
Yes, magic. That’s what is powering TinEye. Caffeine and fans are powering our little team to accomplish insanely great things in search. Oh yeah! and that’s all I am going to say. But it is nice to see TinEye trending and making it to Numero Uno on Reddit. We love Reddit you know. oh I am so framing this thread! In case you wanted to help us: we love coffee, and postcards from the...
TinEye Android
TinEye fans: we released an update to our TinEye Android App.
Tiny TinEye update
Hey TinEye fans, we have been extremely busy wrapping up our image alerts release – which you shall be seeing soon – and re architecting so our image index update is tiny this time around: 4.7 million images to bring up our index to 1,958,654,947. Happy searching and enjoy your summer! The snow has melted in Toronto and Zazie, our TinEye HQ dog is looking forward to enjoying her...
TinEye is heading to Calgary!
Our next hacking event as part of HackDays is happening in Calgary. We just wrapped up our Waterloo Hackathon and are looking forward to meeting Calgary developers in June. If you are not familiar with our hackathons: we organize monthly hacking events that bring together the brightest developers across Canada. We work together in a day, in a space to hack and create awesome applications using...
Mon Dieu St Hubert!
The folks at Trip Advisor Guide probably thought that no one would notice the resemblance but the sharp eyes of Jason Kealey and TinEye were no match for photoshop skills.