TagStock photography

Photoshelter partners with TinEye

What happens when you mix two really great things together? Generally, something super-great. And that’s why the TinEye team is excited to announce our partnership with the good folks over at Photoshelter, a leader in portfolio websites, photo sales and archiving tools for photographers. In a couple of weeks, we’ll be adding the entire Photoshelter image collection to the TinEye...

Stock Photo Help Desk Lady

It seems like data room lady has a challenger. TinEye found “stock photo help desk lady” in over 40 places on the web. You can check out the TinEye search to see all the results or request an invite if you don’t have a beta account. Help desk lady is busy! She works for so many companies… impressive! While she is no competition for Everywhere Girl, it’s still pretty...