Rock your Firefox with our TinEye add-on

Mozilla just launched Rock Your Firefox which is their campaign to feature Firefox Add-ons. Not surprising since Mozilla pioneered the personalized Web browser with Firefox Add-ons. And our TinEye Firefox Add-On has just been featured!

Attention technophiles and TinEye fans!

Hello, fellow nerds and geeks! If you:
a) looooove technology
b) are a STUDENT (proof required)
c) live in the Greater Toronto Area
Then you’re in luck! Because we’ve got two student tickets to meshU burning a hole in our collective pocket, and they’re up for grabs!

Share your TinEye success stories with us!

We often receive emails, tweets and Facebook messages from people who have been helped by TinEye and want to share their story with us. That is awesome, we love giving our robot a pat on the back!
Today we’ve introduced a little feature specifically for sharing your TinEye success stories. A new link appears right in your image search results:

Unveiling our TinEye redesign

Hello folks! If you haven’t noticed, things are looking quite different over at TinEye. We have been working on the redesign with the great folks over at silverorange, and we’re sure they’re just as excited about the launch as we are!

Let’s say you have gone back in time…

Nice one. Okay. We’re going to assume that you’re on earth and you can read English. So far, so good. But how can you build all the amenities of tomorrow when you’re stuck in the past? Don’t worry your poster has this one covered. and that pretty much sums up why I love TinEye! I had forgotten about Ryan North‘s fantastic Tshirt until I read BiteTheByte blog post...

Help TinEye

We are working on redesigning our TinEye website and introducing a new brand for TinEye. This is exciting for us at the Ideeplex as we have been looking forward to this for a while. As we are working away here,we would like to hear about what improvements and changes you would like to see made to our user interface? Drop us a note in the comments, we would love to hear from you as always or...