And because we are in the business of tracking where images appear for our clients, this “shooting Britney” article from The Atlantic is a great read! The evolution of Hollywood paparazzi from a marginal nuisance to one of the most powerful and lucrative forces driving the American news-gathering industry is a phenomenon that dates back to March 2002, when a women’s magazine editor...
Meanwhile, somewhere in the East… a TinEye story
Scott Liddell scored a TinEye beta invitation yesterday and I have to say, he has some lovely finds. Using TinEye, Scott searched for his images in our index of over 700 million images and came up with some surprising results! Scott shares on his blog: And someone at HP seems to really like my fruit because it seems to be in quite a few places. So do Channel 4, in the guise of that odious jobbie...
TinEye private investigator
John Arrington’s review of TinEye just landed in my inbox forwarded by a colleague and that would have been just an awesome read if I had not woken up this morning to TinEye being down! We are in the office, getting rolling on bringing it back, the team is being hawled out of bed as we speak (happy Sunday!). There is no rest for the wicked! This is the first down time we have experienced so...
Bigger index, more cool searches!
A bigger index means more amazing image searches with even more matches in TinEye! I don’t know what strikes folks to edit a particular image more than others, but there are some fantastically popular ones out there that you all love to photoshop. We’ve shown you everything from Mona Lisa to Angela Jolie in other posts, so let’s take a look at the guys that you’ve cropped...
TinEye to the Rescue
We have the most creative fans! Eric sent us an email and this snazzy screencast to tell us his story about how he used TinEye.
Check it out!
702,000,000 images indexed…and counting
What’s next for TinEye? Simple. More images. Bigger index. And today there are 702 million images in our index. Yes, that’s not a typo.
Millions more images for you to search in real-time.
Happy searching TinEye fans. The best is yet to come!
* image Alistair Morton
Beauty is in the TinEye of the beholder! (wink to startupmeme)
Imran Hussain from Startupmeme has a great little post about TinEye this morning, as well as a nice set of search results, well of course: the search results are nice, they are from our cool search! Now that Imran’s beta invitation was approved I am sure we will see a lot more TinEye play! What I liked about Imran’s post is Alistair’s TinEye robot; he is developing quite a...
The Magic of TinEye
We love to hear from our community about their surprising TinEye experiences. When we read about Jeff Clow’s story in the Flickr forums the team here was just thrilled and I knew we had to share his TinEye story.
An Interview With Cris DeRaud: TinEye Fan
As most of you know we launched TinEye, our image search engine, in closed beta and since its launch it has garnered quite a following and fan base. This has been tremendously helpful to us…what better way to improve an image search engine than have a very involved community sending you feedback on a daily basis?
Tux: Boy does he get around!
Our snazzy image search engine is getting a lot of notice these days, thanks to our great community. Did you see us on Digg? Awesomeness! We love our TinEye fans, thank you everyone!