It’s always a great day in the TinEye HQ when we can settle team arguments using our own technology. You have probably heard about a photograph called “the dress”, that has polarized the web. Well, our TinEye team is divided into 2 fiercely opposed camps: the blue and black versus the gold and white camp. So instead of arguing over colors (!) we settled this like grown ups: we...
An instance where reverse image search would be helpful
It is always “nice” to be reminded of how our TinEye fans feel when they spot one of their images used without credit. But what’s even more “fun”, is to see your own image featured in an article about image recognition with hardly a mention of one of the most integrated image recognition APIs in the world.
MulticolorEngine: color search with tags
TinEye color search fans rejoice! One of the most requested feature for our TinEye color search lab is the ability to not only search by color but also refine searches by using tags. And that’s what you are going to be able to do as of now: our new color search lab incorporates tags. You can now search 20 million creative commons images using both colors and tags.
Let us treat you to a VIP ticket for the Toronto Maker Faire!
Here at TinEye, we’re a bunch of DIY believers. All our equipment is designed and built by our stellar techie team and we added a maker space to our office earlier in the year. That’s why we’re excited to be supporting Toronto’s 3rd Maker Faire, taking place at the Toronto Reference Library on November 22-23.
Introducing color search for Apartment Therapy
Apartment Therapy introduces color search powered by our MulitcolorEngine API! Insert happy excited GIF right here! Thanks to a partnership with Sherwin Williams, Apartment Therapy house tour photos are now searchable by color. Go ahead and give it a try. You can pick up to 5 colors for your searches.
Doubleplus Chutzpah!
Doubleplus Chutzpah or when a company in your industry helps itself to your images! Sometimes what we find when we look at where our TinEye graphics appear on the web (we are an image search company after all!) is not really surprising. Like our corporate logo in the profile of an Elance designer we don’t even know! That’s not news as this type of thing happens everyday on the web...
Extending our Extensions
We have a few TinEye browser extension updates to tell you about. The extensions let you search for images with just a right click, to make TinEye searches as easy as can be!
The biggest news: we have a new Opera extension that works with the new Opera. Good idea, what? Lots of people were asking for this one, and now it’s here.
MulticolorEngine Lab: Get my color – or color extraction
MulticolorEngine, the API powering our color search lab is now available for licensing. You have probably already played with our color search lab and already experienced addictive color searching but if you haven’t give it a whirl today.