Here at TinEye, we’re a bunch of DIY believers. All our equipment is designed and built by our stellar techie team and we added a maker space to our office earlier in the year. That’s why we’re excited to be supporting Toronto’s 3rd Maker Faire, taking place at the Toronto Reference Library on November 22-23.
Introducing color search for Apartment Therapy
Apartment Therapy introduces color search powered by our MulitcolorEngine API! Insert happy excited GIF right here! Thanks to a partnership with Sherwin Williams, Apartment Therapy house tour photos are now searchable by color. Go ahead and give it a try. You can pick up to 5 colors for your searches.
How to find high resolution images with TinEye
It seems rather likely that if you are searching for an image, that you would want to find the largest version of that image, right? TinEye has a set of features that allow you to find the largest image in your TinEye results. This can be helpful in finding out additional information about the image you are looking for. For example, let’s say you are trying to find the owner of an image but...
You are Awesome!
It’s no secret that we here at TinEye HQ are very fond of les animaux. So what better way to celebrate the Toronto Wildlife Center’s (TWC) 21st anniversary then by throwing a YOU ARE AWESOME party!
It’s Easy. You can do it too.
Doubleplus Chutzpah!
Doubleplus Chutzpah or when a company in your industry helps itself to your images! Sometimes what we find when we look at where our TinEye graphics appear on the web (we are an image search company after all!) is not really surprising. Like our corporate logo in the profile of an Elance designer we don’t even know! That’s not news as this type of thing happens everyday on the web...
Starting 2014 with love, kindness & Lovebots!
The winter has taken hold of our awesome city and for the 3 people in Toronto (including myself) who love the winter, this winter has delivered! But have you seen the wonderful Lovebots all over the city? Are they warming your hearts yet?
Extending our Extensions
We have a few TinEye browser extension updates to tell you about. The extensions let you search for images with just a right click, to make TinEye searches as easy as can be!
The biggest news: we have a new Opera extension that works with the new Opera. Good idea, what? Lots of people were asking for this one, and now it’s here.
TinEye: Introducing sort by date.
Today, we are introducing two new options: “newest” and “oldest”. These sort functions are date specific. The “newest” sort order displays the TinEye image results most recently found by TinEye’s web-crawlers at the top. The “Oldest” does the opposite, showing the earliest crawled images at the top. This is handy of course for anyone who is...
Our TinEye tshirts are almost here!
Love the Hardboiled Inc folks producing our TinEye tshirts! I still remember when they opened up their shop in Kensington Market in Toronto in 2001!
We have been playing with a few designs and are really excited to see them next week (we hope!).
Our TinEye friend Reg Braithwaite nails it with his tweet this morning which brought roars of laughter to our office: But all hilarity aside: it seems that SixDead Entertainment (based in Montreal!) has simply ripped off our (awesome) TinEye robot. We understand. TinEye is an awesome robot, he is cute, steely, has great vision, works hard and is really powerful at searching for images. We...